Bypassing "port 80" through a web page which uses another port
(Wiadomość utworzona zbyt dawno temu. Odpowiedź niemożliwa.)
Priyanka de silva
2009-12-15 08:52:18 UTC
Normal Internet lock programs used to block the port 80,Here my question is
can't we bypass the port 80 throuth a web page which uses another port
krzysiekp (msinfo.pl)
2009-12-16 18:38:19 UTC
Try to uninstall antivirus.
Krzysztof Paciejewski

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Pomoc Techniczna Microsoft


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Post by Priyanka de silva
Normal Internet lock programs used to block the port 80,Here my question
is can't we bypass the port 80 throuth a web page which uses another port
Windows user 1
2010-03-07 14:03:01 UTC
If your asking a English Question go to the English Forum
